Newly divorced, heavily pregnant, utterly exhausted. Twelve hours earlier the kids left for school, Arie left for his new bunker, and Penny headed out for some tasks at the laboratory.
As you can see, she doesn't particularly seem pleased with the situation. But, then again, most sims wouldn't leave a marriage unscathed.
To Penny's (and my) displeasure, a bladder fail swiftly occurs and we have to head home, unsuccessful in our mission. We'll blame the third trimester on that one. -5.
A messy house and paint spills await her. It's almost impressive how quickly these toddlers get home from daycare and then just make a beeline with the paint.
Akira: Your text said "URGENT!" What's wrong? Is everyone okay?
Penny: Yeah, it's fine, I'm just in labor. Can you grab me some water while I go put Serafina to bed?
Penny: It's fine, Kira. Just go get the water.
She quickly puts Serafina to bed, and then it's off to active labor!
Welcome to the world, Theodore! Things are a little bit chaotic around here, so your screaming will fit right in.
Meanwhile, outside the window, Akira is still freaking out. You can see his flailing arm if you look close enough.
Akira: Where's Arie? Shouldn't we call him? His should be here.
Penny: Well, we split up. I'll call him in the morning.
Akira: Wait, really? You guys are over?
Penny: Yeah, we're over.
Akira pulls Penny closer to him.
Akira: I'm…so sorry.
Penny: No…you're not.
Serafina: Mama?
Penny pulls away from Akira quickly. Truth be told, she wasn't quite sure how to break it to the kids yet. She and Akira should probably keep it under wraps while the kids have some time to process.
Tremendously inconveniently timed, Penny comes down with a cold…or something. Although, quite frankly, there really isn't a good time for a single mother to get sick at all.
She steps outside to see Arie approaching her lawn.
Penny, under her breath: No, no, no, I'm too sick for this.
Arie, under his breath: Er, I was hoping she would still be at work.
She hesitantly kisses him on the cheek, unsure of quite how to act around him. She hadn't actually interacted with him since their fight.
Arie: I just wanted to stop in and see Serafina, and…wait, did you give birth already? And I missed it?
Penny: Yeah, I'm sorry. I meant to call you yesterday, I've just been so tired. Kids are a lot of work. His name is Theo.
Arie: I have a son! I won't keep you long. I'll see if there's anything I can take care of in the house for you.
Penny: Akira, what're you doing here so early?
Akira: Well, I have some news for you…
Akira: Lilith and I are over.
Penny: I'm sorry to hear that.
Akira: I'm not. We've both been miserable for months.
Penny: So…what does this mean for us?
Akira: About that…Uh. Lilith kind of kicked me out. So I was thinking maybe we could move in together and I could help you take care of the kids. And, uh…
Arie, off in the distance: Did she just kiss Akira? No, that can't be right. I must be sleep deprived.
Akira: Well, Porter would need to move in, too.
Penny: I just had a baby, and you want me to take on another toddler? Are you serious?
Akira: I know it's not ideal, but he's my son.
Penny sighs. This was far worse than "not ideal," but he had a point. If she wanted Akira, she needed to want Porter, too.
Penny: Okay. Okay, let's do it.
Arie: Where did that toddler come from? Is that Akira's kid? Why is Akira's kid here?
Akira: Serafina, this is your new brother, Porter.
Serafina: New brothers don't come big!
Akira: Oh, boy.
Serafina: I don't want new brother!
Akira: Well. They'll get along eventually, right?
Arie: Hi, sweetheart.
Serafina: Daddy!
Arie: How are you doing without me?
Serafina: Mommy kisses bun-man!
Arie furrows his brow. Bun-man?

Then it hit him. Bun-man as in hair-bun. Bun-man was Akira.
Arie: So, Victor was right all along. Well, I guess that explains where your mom and I went wrong.
He sighs. Should he confront them? Is it even worth it at this point? He decides to hold his tongue for now, but mopes all the way home to the bunker.
Meanwhile, things are heating up between Akira and Penny…
…and not just Penny's fever.
Penny: I'm pregnant!
Thankfully, Akira and Serafina are starting to enjoy their time spent together more.
And next up is Serafina!
She really looks just like Arie.
Okay…these two are little angels so far. Within minutes of aging up they each started to clean up the place.
But just to offset the new helping hands in the house, Theo ages into a toddler and prepares to inevitably destroy our lives.
The kids outgrew the kitchen-bedroom, so we've had to switch the kids to the master and Akira and Penny to the kitchen. What a time to be alive.
Serafina: Okay, I'll play therapist with you, but only if I get to be Frasier!
Porter: What! No, I want to be Frasier!
Serafina: Porter, we both know you're more of a Niles.
Porter: *Sigh* You're right.
(Sorry for the perhaps outdated reference; these two just seriously give me a Frasier/Niles sibling relationship vibe)
Speaking of laundry, Arie pops by, pulls the wet laundry out of the washer, sets it on the floor, and leaves. Bitter much?
It's Spice Festival Season, and the house is feeling particularly cramped, so the whole family is spending the evening in the city!
Even little Theo, who gets to practice his flashcards with Akira. He and Akira seem to have taken quite well to one another.
However, Akira's bonding time with Theo is cut short by Theo's real father, who is now rather distant towards Akira.
I'll admit, I do kind of miss Akira and Arie's complicated friendship.
Nevertheless, the Strangers have a great outing and get some solid food with enough time in the evening for Penny to hit the town and finish off another milestone of her aspiration.
…Looking back, she probably should have just gone home after the festival. -5.
Penny gets home late from her outing, and, well, that's when the ISBI part of this narrative starts really taking a negative turn.
Now behold, a bladder fail montage:
This was one night, guys. ONE. NIGHT. Within a one-hour sim time period. I am ashamed. -20.
And, of course, amidst this very messy business, Penny goes into labor.
Hello, Penrith, and thank you for your +5 to offset…well…tonight.
*Cries in the background*
Oh, Theo. -5.
Penny: I can't take this anymore. Akira! Kira! We're moving. I don't care where. We just need more space. And more bathrooms.
To my great displeasure, we have one last bladder fail of the evening. What on earth is going on?
Aaaand that's when I discover the toilet plant. Thanks, StrangerVille. Thanks a lot.
I won't recap the score because, well, frankly I'm still a bit traumatized.
Will the Strangers move to a bigger place? Will Arie continue to grow more bitter and finally confront Penny and Akira? Tune in next time!
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