Welcome back to the Awkward Tree Legacy, where the whole family eats pasta primavera in the toddlers' bedroom.
Cale: Except for me! I'm being productive!
Yes you are, Cale. Would you like to share your accomplishment with the readers?
Cale: I've maxed out my programming skill! Which means I'm well on my way to that level 10 promotion!
And good thing, too. Apple has been riding the top of her career for so long, that she's just coasting on all sixteen of her vacation days. Apple may never work again at this point.
I also wanted to show you guys Beau's second oldest son, Jakob. He looks a lot like Salim! Ah, I miss Salim.
Apple: Hey, over here!
Ooooh, hopefully the last baby for Apple and Cale! Also note that she has that swirly disease again.
Yay, it's only one baby! Meet the second boy of our legacy, Elm Arbor.
The twins are busy skilling away in preparation for their upcoming birthdays. Those kiddie tablets are really coming in handy!
This is one of Aspen's friends, Maeve. Something I really love about having the MC Command Center (now that it's finally calmed down) is the diversity it creates in the town. We have alien and vampire babies all around!
Beau's third child, Prince, checks out the new baby.
Prince: I've always wanted a real family.
Yeah, sorry kid. Your family situation definitely hasn't been the best with the romancer Beau as your father.
Speaking of Beau…
He's gone off and gotten another lady pregnant…and had twins. These two are babies Wyatt and Nikki. That makes six kids for Beau…and like, one marriage?
Aspen here has conquered three childhood aspirations. I decide we should probably stop there.
But since he's conquered the social one, he has lots of friends. He and Mara are still closest though (Mara being another of Beau's band). She's such a cutie.
The cousins are all very interested in Elm. I think their weird home lives have something to do with it, although Shannon Nava's home life isn't near as dramatic as the Srivastavas.
But, just like that, the cousins' favorite plaything has become a toddler. Hi toddler Elm!
I changed his hair though because he looked way too much like his brother.
Yeah, Apple's been spending her paid vacation time working on her writing aspiration. We've been stuck on the last tier for a while. I'm hoping it gets a little easier once all the kids are grown up a bit.
Juniper! I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! How are you doing?
Juniper: Why does everyone hate the dollhouse?
…YOU broke the dollhouse.
Last update, we saw Olive get married. I don't think she's very excited about the prospect of motherhood. I, on the other hand, am very excited for the legacy kids to have first cousins!
Also Prince Srivastava is a teen now. Not bad!
Zechariah: I'm so glad I don't have toddlers anymore.
Clayton: I'm so glad I only ever had one.
Zechariah: Man, what did we do when we had toddlers? I don't even like kids.
Clayton: At least we're not Beau.
Zechariah: That's very true.
I think Hamza is the real champ of the legacy right now, though. He's not super useful taking care of the toddlers, but it's adorable when he reads to them and they follow him around.
Mara is also perfect with the twins. I think she's one of my favorite spare's kid's kiddos!
Because of the butler and the upcoming twins' birthdays, I decided we needed to add another bedroom into the house. This is Willow's future room.
YOU SMUG MONSTERS ATE MY CAKE! That was for the twins!
And here Willow starts a trend of growing up in colored shades?
As you can see, we have the new family game pack. *Sigh*
Unfortunately, neither of the girls made it to the cake. Just as we got the SECOND cake set up…
Bay ages up on the steps. Well. At least I tried.
Here's Willow looking just like her mother, and becoming a little musically-inclined scamp.

She grows into a whiz kid and develops the Loves the Outdoors trait. She looks like such an interesting mix of both of her parents!
And I completely forgot about my heir's birthday…I am the worst simmer.
I feel like my heirs haven't particularly been aging well…
Hamza…you are a saint.

Eager to test out the new stuff from the family game pack (I was really hoping for some more cool outdoors kids stuff, but what're you gonna do?), I get out some of these projects for all the kids!
I really like that they can develop some new skills here (although I really would've also loved some more kid aspiration…).
Bay stop taking after your mother! Be nice to Hamza!
Poor Elm here really wishes he was old enough to do some school projects, too.
Aspen: Okay, listen, we ruin the floor in every other room, but NOT my bedroom.
Shannon: Hmph.
Bay: Mom, can I eat my birthday cake now? It's been out for like two days.
Apple: Yeah, whatever, you could've eaten it sooner if you waited ten minutes to have your birthday.
I love the placemats!
So Cale and Apple are constantly trying to play with the dollhouse, with or without the kids. It's kind of adorable, but also a little bit strange.
I'll leave you with this motherly family moment between Apple and Bay. Until next time!
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