Cale: And that's why, Aspen, you need to learn ALL of your skills!
We welcome back the Arbors with me on ALL the pain meds from wisdom teeth extraction, so please bear with me if things are a little rough today. The good news is, however, that I've played far ahead so there's lots to cover.
Apple here is pregnant with baby number two, and Aspen is turning out to just a a little cutie.
In fact, he grew up to be a charmer! No surprise there with his little fox ascot. No, I'm NOT still obsessed with the toddler update to the game.
Myrtle turns out to be the most helpful ghost ever and constantly takes care of Aspen in the middle of the night while the young parents sleep. She would have made a great grandma!
Clayton and Zechariah come over for dinner and coffee, amongst a few of the other cousins.
And Olive makes it her mission to reunite the estranged brothers.
Olive: Beau, are you actually hiding in the bathroom?
Beau: Leave me be! I'm just not ready yet, okay!
Moments later, while Apple is trying to feed Aspen, she feels those motherly twinges once more!
Apple: Sorry, son, you're just going to have to eat your apple sauce on the floor.
Aspen: Hmph.
But our new butler Hamza pulls one out for the win and appeases the cranky toddler! Go Hamza! I think it's so cute that butlers help read to the kids and stuff.
Welcome baby number two, a girl, to the Arbors! This is Willow!
…and this is Bay! Looks like our first set of twins in the main legacy house have appeared!
And before long, the twins have grown into toddlers as well. This is Bay. She has the silly trait.
And here is Willow! She looks just like Apple, except she grew up with the angelic trait––which is very un-Apple-like.
All three of the toddlers seem to enjoy the dollhouse most of all. However, I can't say that I was prepared for the chaos that is three toddlers.
Also, Aspen is super into dancing. He actually got a little moodlet that was basically grumpy from dancing that I thought was adorable and hilarious.
Also some quick spam, this is Pablo Srivastava! I think he's Beau's oldest son, the one that wound up living with Clayton during that fiasco.
I missed Aspen's birthday! I am the worst! I'm a bit disappointed with how skinny his lips are. He kind of looks like a frat star, but along with gaining the happy toddler trait he takes after Art and becomes hot headed. Sigh. Goodbye dollhouse!
You'll also have to excuse just how chaotic this post is. I know things are happening very quickly and we didn't get too much of Aspen's toddlerhood. When I was taking these pictures I was in the process of being diagnosed with lupus and my hands hurt too much to type. Graduate college, right? Lupus and wisdom teeth? At least I have good pain meds!
I thought this was cute. Aspen always does his homework with the girls in their bedroom. Butler Hamza frequently joins in to supervise. Bay doesn't look too happy about all the attention though. I sense a future loner!
Also, look Olive is an adult! Where are those babies, Olive?
Olive: I don't need a man.
And she actually smiles for once as she says it. Okay, you don't need a man, but babies?
Olive: No promises.
Apple: Hey, I have an idea!
No! This better not be what I think it is!
Apple: Oh, it is!
…I thought we were finally safe from three toddlers. Why do you do this to me?
Apple: Hey, you wanted me as heir, remember?
Olive: Yeah, my apartment is trash. I miss the legacy house.
Cale's kind of been just walking around the house reading things. In the living room…
In the greenroom…
In the dining room during club hangouts…Yes. Cale lives an exciting existence. Wait, shouldn't you be programming or something?
I think Hazel has some regrets about moving out on her own so early, too. That or she's just really annoyed with Clayton. But, really, who isn't? Poor Clayton.
Apple is also VERY pregnant. By the way, this is not a good time to have another set of twins.
Apple: I really don't plan to.
Why the long face, Cale?
Cale: I'm vegetarian…
OH NOT AGAIN. I'm normally great with vegetarian sims but I just cannot keep up with Cale's diet with three kids.
Hamza: And I can hardly keep up with their dishes. EVEN WITH A MAID.
Yeah, Hamza really has his work cut out for him. I dunno what we're going to do when he dies.
Apple: I think I'm going to be sick.
Apple: Nah. Maybe I'm just tired.
Pregnant sims, what can you do?
Bay: I'm tired of vegetarian food.
Kid, you eat less vegetarian food than your father eats non-vegetarian food.
And before we end for the post, I thought it might be a good time to catch up a bit with the rest of the spares' families. This is Lee Srivastava, Clayton's somehow only child.
And this is Mara Srivastava, Beau's youngest. She's cute!
Mara is also Aspen's best friend and fodder for his second aspiration, the social butterfly one. He's already accomplished the artistic prodigy. This kid sure moves through them fast.
These are Cale's kids with Siya. I don't remember their names, so I will introduce them properly as teenagers.

Also, I don't remember if I've mentioned this or not, but once the woman Beau and Clayton fought over passed away DUE TO OLD AGE BECAUSE SHE WAS TOO OLD FOR THEM, Clayton remarried––Hamza Ichmawin! Turns out he's gay! And I think they are adorable. Hamza was their friend they went to the bar with in high school.

I'll leave you with some exciting news! Olive is moving on in her life and found herself a man! Aww! Thanks Olive!
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