About halfway through this chapter, we get to start generation three! Yay! Also, Apple and Hazel brought home a friend from school that wasn't Advik, Cale, or their cousins, and I got excited. Hello Blake! Please be a normal friend to my girls!
She seems to get along quite well with Apple, at the very least.
Anyways, I decide it might be fun to send the kids out to a fancy dinner at Chez Llama. I immediately regret my decision.
Seriously, Hazel?
…I mean, if you say so…
Their aunt and uncle, Laurel and Giancarlo, also show up for dinner. Hi guys!
What's up, Blake?
Blake: This kid is a goon.
Oh, Cale. Yeah, yeah I know. You get used to it.
Blake: Why is he dressed like this?
I find it better not to ask.
Olive: Hey, Clayton. Mind if I join you?
Clayton: Not at all. Say, you haven't seen Beau, have you?
Olive: No, why?
Clayton: Do you know if he was invited?
Olive: Are you ignoring Beau?
Beau: Well, I haven't actually seen him in a while…
Apple: Did you hit anyone with it? Like yourself?
Cale: Oh, Apple, you just kill me!
She might if she weren't so attracted to your scrawny figure. Sheesh.
Olive: Hey, pssst. Apple!
Apple: What? Why are you whispering?
Olive: Did you invite Beau?
Apple: Olive, he's sitting right next to me.
Olive: OH NO!
Apple: What's wrong?
Olive: Beau hasn't seen Clayton since Clayton stole his baby mama!
Apple: OH GOD! I hadn't even thought of that! So that's why they're just staring at each other…Aya's not even that pretty. She's definitely not worth this drama.
Olive: Plus I heard she's actually really old!
Apple: Well, this is just awkward.
Meanwhile, at a cafe somewhere, I decide to give Art's aspiration a go…
It turns out that decision may have been a bit insane. We have a few days to get through over half of his aspiration. But he and Myrtle are basically perfect and soulmates anyways, so it shouldn't be that hard, right? Plus I have fourteen days of paid vacation time stacked up for Myrtle to use until she retires.
They're still pretty cute and in love. I enjoy them. :)
Hey Laurel, awkwardly watching your older sister on a date, I see?
Laurel: I'm actually trying *not* to watch, hence the staring straight ahead.
Ah, yeah, that makes sense. It's so weird that you're so much younger than them.
They eventually retire home for some cute couch snuggles, a little bit closer to Art's aspiration!
What's wrong Myrtle?
Myrtle: Well, it's my birthday, and I have to make my own cake.
Well, c'est la vie.
Really? You make yourself a cake and you choose a hyper healthy coconut carob cake? Well, okay then.
Apple: Happy birthday to me I suppose.
Sure enough, everyone starts to gather round for the heir's birthday.
What, did you think I had forgotten about you, Apple?
Apple: Most definitely.
Olive: Listen Beau, I don't CARE that Clayton stole your baby mama––
Olive: UGH! I don't care! This is Apple's birthday, and you guys need to figure out how to get along! No old bag is worth this!
Beau and Clayton: She's not an old bag!
I mean, guys, she kinda is a lot older than you…like almost an elder old…
Apple: Maybe if I blow out the candles they'll stop yelling at each other.
Apple: Hey, it kind of worked!
And here's our heir all grown up! I've provided a recap of her traits, and as you can see, she's rolled genius! Definitely an interesting sim. Lowkey surprised she didn't get evil or mean.

Beau: I hate you.
Clayton: Was that really necessary.
Beau: I'm the more attractive twin anyways.
Blake: How do I make this stop?
Advik: Honestly, you don't. You just have to go with it.
Olive: *Sigh*
Meanwhile, upstairs…
Really, Art? In the spare unfinished room? Why were you up there anyways?
Grim: I am confused. I thought the soul I need to reap was in here?
You're one room off, buddy.
Myrtle: What was that loud thump that came from up here? OH GOD!
Zechariah: But where's the grim reaper?
There you go.
Grim: Lord. Have you ever thought of downsizing? It took me thirty minutes to even find this room.
Eventually the room starts to fill up, and everyone begins mourning the loss of Art.
Grim: Wow, this is a pretty big audience for my work.
Also, this is the moment when Clayton's crazy comes out. He starts doing the gnashing and scratching. Definitely forgot he was so much like his mom, as Clayton usually acts like the normal one. I guess maybe this explains the drama with Beau?
You know your father is upstairs dying, right?
Apple: Yeah, he lived way longer than I expected. I was ready to make my peace with him when you downloaded that mod.
You are not sympathetic, are you?
The next morning, Myrtle wakes up no less than traumatized, and I decide it's a good day for her to retire.
Meanwhile, Apple, who isn't even in mourning at all, decides to grab coffee with an also recently grown up Cale. I gave him a makeover so that he would look less like a goon.
I had thought about downloading some sims from the gallery for Apple to chose from for spouses, but I decided to let these two have a go. They've always had great chemistry, and I do like his blond hair for some genetic variety.
Also, look at the way he watches her. He thinks he's very smooth.
But Apple still buys it up. He's looking pretty good with that hipster lumberjack vibe going on, too.
Also the soon-to-be mother of Beau's second child who has a really complicated name that I can't remember stops by.
The birth obviously happens later in the chapter, like maybe the next sim day, but I'll throw it in here so I remember. Beau certainly gets around, doesn't he? This is Prince Ishikawa. That's when I realize he also has a THIRD child?
This is his other son, who is actually older than Prince, Jakob Ichmawin.
By the way, I remembered to check the name of Clayton's son who does not live with them. This is Lee Olivas.
It seems Myrtle might have sent Aunt Laurel to spy on her daughter's almost-date.
Wait they are actually so cute. Okay, Apple, you win. Have the scrawny lumberjack. It's not like there are any other eligible bachelors in this town. I would not want to be your sisters trying to find men right now. Yikes.
Apple sent him her number, and she looks way too pleased with herself.
Apple: This is too easy.
Well, he has been enamored with you since like elementary school.
Excuse this picture, I was just amused by her smug flirting. It's weird, but apparently it works.

Okay, I'm done with all of the Apple and Cale spam here. He suddenly got a bit awkward and ran out the door.
Which I then realized was because his hot writer-looking dad was outside spying on them.
Apple: Hey little sis, it's your birthday!
Hazel: Yeah, I kind of can't wait to move out. I have the cutest historical apartment picked out. It's in the same complex as Olive.
Apple: I'm actually kind of jealous. That sounds really fun!
Hazel: You'll have to come visit me!
Apple: Of course I will! Oh, by the way, can I secure your vote?
Hazel: What?
Apple: I'm a level five politician now.
Hazel: That…that was fast. How did you do that? You grew up like yesterday.
Apple: I have my ways.
By the way, I'm disappointed there isn't an evil politician branch. That would be fun and perfect for Apple! It's fine, I'll just pretend.
Myrtle: I'm eating cake. What do you think I'm doing?
*Sigh.* That was supposed to be Hazel's birthday cake.
Myrtle: I'm a sad widow. Make another one.
I do make Hazel another birthday cake, but I'm too lazy to throw her a party. We've had too many parties recently. See, even Apple is incredibly nonplussed by the act of blowing out candles.
Apple: I'm just exhausted from work.
Happy birthday Hazel! What did you wish for?
Hazel: To move out.
Wish granted!
As early as that evening, Hazel moves into her apartment.
The whole gang goes to wish her well. Olive, is, as usual, annoyed by family gatherings.
But that probably has more to do with the fact that this entire awkward family is outside in the hallway when they get there.
That is, until Clayton goes inside to cook…
…Giving Beau some time with his son. Talk about awkward.
Aya high key scares me. Those are some aggressive knife skills.
Anyways, I'll leave you with a picture of Hazel's apartment. Until next time!
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