We'll begin with another stop over at the Srivastavas to check out Camellia's family, because the boys have grown into teens!
And Beau! They look ridiculously similar…Normally my twins in Sims games aren't quite identical. Beau wants to be a mansion baron, and is both mean AND outgoing. Okay, Beau?
And we'll begin over at the main legacy house with Hazel's childhood birthday!
…Guess who got the hot-headed trait like her father. What an interesting range of personalities we have, this generation.
And her toddler room gets a more adult-like update.
She has the mental aspiration, and spends most of her time playing with her parents.
Before long, it's Art's elder birthday. However, before Art grows up, I have downloaded my first mod for TS4! I'm sure all of you are very familiar with my constant complaining about the elder age span and the lack of story progression outside of the family––which is why I'm constantly freezing aging and popping over to check on the spares. So, I downloaded the MC Command Center! And it's amazing and I love it! Elders in my game will now live ten days longer so they don't die during their kid's childhoods. I know that's probably cheating a bit, but it just didn't feel quite realistic to me. Maybe I'll compensate by going back and taking out a day or to of some of the other life stages. Regardless, I'm super excited to see it start working its magic, especially with story progression.
Oh, he looks so disappointed. Maybe elder sims won't make me ridiculously sad every time I see them now that it doesn't mean they're literally about to die…
And now Art will get to know his youngest daughter well enough before he dies! Bless MC Command Center! *Not official propaganda, just satisfied consumer*
The Tree-Climbers, my kids club, is meeting today to celebrate their newest member, and Laurel's twin boys are in it, too. I can't remember if I've introduced them or not, but this is Frankie.
And Zechariah here is VERY UNAMUSED by Olive's violin skills. But he IS still enjoyed the cake.
Father-daughter dinner dates in the sun room!
Apple here has also just completed her first creativity aspiration! Now on to motor skills perhaps?
I also absolutely love these cousins. They're all so close. It doesn't help that there are only two other kids in the entire neighborhood––hoping MC takes care of that soon.
Sorry for the kid spam, but they're cute. I love Apple's sassy face.
Meanwhile, I almost missed an abduction! Unsurprisingly, it was Myrtle. And also unsurprisingly she does not come back pregnant.
She returns home pretty nonplussed. I guess the aliens weren't all they're cracked up to be? But she does deal with aliens all the time at work, so that's probably why it's no big deal to her.
Myrtle, you don't look very happy to have reached the top of your career. What's up?
Myrtle: What do I work for now?
It's true. She gardens every day. She analyzes some elements. Occasionally goes into space. We've already reached several maxed levels. Myrtle's going to need a few new hobbies, I think.

Before we know it, it's another birthday. We're about to have our first teenager of the main legacy line! Ah! Things are progressing so quickly!
Olive: Okay, can we fix my "blond" hair now? We all know I'm supposed to be a brunette.
Okay, okay, if you insist.
Art: *Sigh* I'm so old.
Salim: *Sigh* I'M so old. I never even got to meet my granddaughters.
Olive is SO CUTE! I thought freckles complimented her so well. She looks so much like both of her parents, but I really see Myrtle in her. She has the musing instrumentalist (I don't remember what it's actually called) aspiration, so will be continuing with her violin. Adding to her outgoing trait, she has now received that of perfectionist. I love her!

I should probably upgrade her room a little bit and get rid of the kid drawings and stuff…That kind of makes me sad!
To celebrate, I send her to a little pub in Windenberg with her two teenage cousins, to, you know, chill with Grim? Adult things, right?
Apparently it's ghost night. Hiya Mimsy! I guess it'll be a memorable first night out, to say the least!
Honestly, they all hang out almost every day. I'm glad they're so close! I need to work on actually getting their moms to hang out more.
Art is also just so sad these days. It kills me. Be happy! You get to live long(er)!
Hazel: Uh, sis, what is wrong with you?
Olive: I'm using the treadmill.
Hazel: That is not how you use the treadmill.
Olive: I was just warming up!
Olive: I mean, I'm a lot more interested in licensing music. I guess I could consider it at some point. Apple would be a great writer though.
Olive: Here, look at this blog post she wrote!
Salim: She's BLOGGING? Man, that takes me back to your Aunt Camellia. She was very into blogging and social media. I never got into it. That's probably why I was never as successful as I could've been.
Ugh, Salim, you were so close to that final promotion!
Look at all of these grumpy children…and do I see a cousin in the background over there with Art?
This could only mean one thing…another birthday!
Zechariah: Why are you dancing like that? You're making a fool of us!
Frankie: Dude, I am the best dancer. If anything YOU'RE embarrassing us! Orange? With that hair?
Zechariah: Red? With that hair?
Frankie:…Point taken.
Olive: Yeah Apple! Become a teenager with me! We can go to weird bars with Grim and Ghosts!
Hazel: Those are not incentives…
Olive: Maybe not to you.
Apple: Okay…I dig this.
Actually…I like that hair on you.

Okay––Apple is insanely gorgeous, wow! And still with those snarky eyebrows! She looks so different from her older sister, I kind of can't even believe it!
It may come as no surprise now, but she gets the writer aspiration, and becomes materialistic…which is peculiarly appropriate for a randomly generated trait for a kleptomaniac.
You are such a good role model for Hazel.
Apple: Don't even care.
And we'll leave you here, because I think we've all had enough birthdays for today!
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