Welcome back to the Awkward Tree Legacy. Laurel, here, has been driving the house (and me––especially me) crazy with her fear of monsters. But what else is new since they introduced these cursed bed-monsters? Anyways, the constantly overlooked sister in this photo is not the heir.
Now that Camellia is an adult, I decided it was time for her to get a job. So, I chose the political career! Because she's quite the smooth talker with her maxed charisma skills. And with her connections trait she gets to start a few tiers up in the job. Also, can we talk about how quickly you can fulfill the daily network online task? So. Easy. Camellia here is also not the heir. You know what that means!
Our middle child, Myrtle, is heir!
Salim…what is that face for?…SALIM! I DO NOT LIKE THIS!
Salim: Tell me about it…
…I'm so gutted. Just two more days! Also your youngest is still a child. Again, why are the agings so off in TS4?
Well this is just sad. Salim, our dear founding husband, is perishing in the spinach plant.

Salim has been an amazing addition to this legacy. He accomplished so much, his author's lifetime goal, and was SO CLOSE to reaching the top of his career.
I think Camellia is numb.
Ah, there we go. The other two girls are at school.
Salim Benali, you will be missed. I'll let you chill in the garden.
And so the sadness ensues. Ugh. This is killing me. I also hate how long the mourning period seems to be, but I guess it's pretty realistic so I can't really complain. The physical tears just make it so much worse.
Camellia just keeps walking around looking terrified, so I decided we needed to get her out of the house. Since she's not the heir, I thought we would also let her start living life a little more and move on.
I sent her out on a date with Kayaan, but given her face I'm not really expecting much to happen. At the very least they can hopefully build up some friendship and get her in a slightly better mood.
Luckily, Kayaan works his magic and we start to make some progress…
…Especially when he's so good at consoling her.
Since she's in such a bad mood already, I thought it might bee a good time to do a little work for her mischievous aspiration. This woman falls prey to much of her mean interactions.
She doesn't seem to be taking it too well, either. Maybe Camellia should just try again later.
These two, who have no reason to be sad since they missed their father's passing, meanwhile sit awkwardly at home in silence. I don't know why Laurel is looking so angry, but I think she might have wanted that heirship…Sorry Laurel.
When Camellia gets home, Laurel goes and finds her and stands around trying to chat with her. I had forgotten that Laurel and Salim were pretty close. Maybe she's just lonely and trying to find some affection from her sisters. While the two older girls are best friends, poor Laurel here is usually left out of the mix because of her age.
I had also forgotten that Camellia is insane, until she came home from work the next day somehow having lost all of her clothing. Maybe it was a PR tactic?
Laurel's trying to grow up a little fast, and continues to have some mishaps with her sister's vanity mirror. Yikes.
Myrtle is destined for the science career track, so I have her get to work on her rocket science. It also helps her aspiration, too.
But before you know it, there's another cat on the table––and we all know what that means. A birthday!
And the huddle around the stereo? This clearly is a birthday party. Time for Myrtle to join adulthood!
Also, I found this gentleman on Camellia's date and thought that he decidedly resembles Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I very much enjoy him. And I hope that Myrtle will too. *wink wink*
Myrtle: Welp, time to grow up. Finally I can use some real, applicable science.
Also, sidenote, but Juniper is still gorgeous.
Myrtle: Wow. That was exhausting. Being an adult is hard work… Yeah. Her age-up wasn't very climatic.
Following, everyone brought their cake to the master bedroom, and some red-haired man––I honestly don't know who he is––pains a pretty scenic painting. I later move it over the master bed because I'm creepy like that.
Camellia: So, listen, I know you've been super focused on your academics and haven't had much interest in relationships, but since you're heir now, I brought a friend here that I want you to meet.
Myrtle: Camellia, you know I want to get further in my career before I marry.
Camellia: I know. No one said anything about marriage. I just think you're going to get along well, and you need to explore your options.
Reluctantly, Myrtle heads outside and meets Art Carnes, the Joseph Gordon-Levitt lookalike. She immediately makes one of her crazy goofball trait comments that normally makes her lose relationship points with other people, but Art loves it––it turns out that Art also has the goofball trait! Seriously? This couldn't be more perfect.
Art: So, your sister said that, for a goofball, you're very serious about your work. I get and respect that completely. However, if you have a day off here and there, you should call me. I really like you.
Myrtle: I can't believe I'm saying this, but, yes. I'll totally call you.
Camellia climbs her way rather quickly up the political ladder, getting to dress in spiffy Leslie Knope outfits.
And to everyone's utter surprise, Myrtle rolls a want to ask Art out on a date the very next day––which she happens to have off from work.
Art: I'm technically a sales clerk and work at this shop over in another neighborhood, but I really want to get out of the retail scene. Maybe do some art. I love theater and acting, but painting is my true hobby.
Myrtle: Wow, the only art we ever see around our house is Laurel's macaroni and glitter art. I'd love to see some of your work.
Art: I'd love to show you sometime. I also really want to hone in my photography skills so that when I have a family I can take pictures of everything.
Myrtle: *swoons*
Me: *swoons*
Their date goes pretty well. So well, in fact, that they later end up hopping over to the geek convention…
WHERE THEY LITERALLY WORK ON BUILDING A ROCKET TOGETHER. I can't. I'm sorry. I love them as a couple.
I also decided to update the house a bit, although not as much as it needs. I add a scientific room for Myrtle, and then a wellness and athletic studio, since Laurel is starting to feel pretty sporty to me, and also because I think the wellness skill is fun.
Salim stops by every now and then to do Salim things, like fuss around on the computer.
And here we have Laurel finishing up her artistic aspiration and becoming creatively gifted! Yay Laurel!
Meanwhile, Myrtle begins her job, a few steps in thanks also to her connections trait, as a scientist and is loving every moment of it.
Amidst all of the happy growths and skills and relationships, I had almost forgotten about that recent impending death popup for Juniper. *Sigh* That face gets me every time.
Yikes, I am sorry Juniper.
There, is that better? Now everyone's here.
Juniper, from the great beyond: You are the worst.
I know. Also Myrtle eating isn't helping the mood. Her sisters look pretty traumatized, though.
Myrtle: I'm a scientist. What can I say? I'm used to death.
Juniper, you've been a dream of a founder. You mastered cooking, gourmet cooking, gardening, and baking. You loved the outdoors, were a snob, a fresh chef, a foodie, fertile, and possessed the essence of flavor, all while being a savant. You reached the top of the culinary career, achieved your master chef aspiration, and were almost through with that one outdoorsy plant aspiration, but didn't quite make it due to my laziness. You will be missed.
God, Camellia has the saddest face.
Everyone goes to bed feeling pretty rough that night. To make matters worse, there's a monster under Laurel's bed and her mom can't even help her back to sleep.
Thankfully, Salim comes to save the day.
And he helps chat her fears away. Before long, Laurel's feeling much better.
To get everyone's minds off of it the next day, thankfully a Saturday (these girls could use a good weekend) I take them all to the park so that Laurel can make some friends, and so that her sisters can help me get beans from plantsims for the plantsim challenge. What can I say? I like trees.
Despite them just being zombies the entire time, we somehow quickly find all of the beans. We do have to utilize a few of Myrtle's potions from work to get the plantsims in the right mood, though.
Before long, we have our fancy stump full of beans…
Art stops by to offer his condolences, but Myrtle just wasn't having it in light of her parents' deaths. He leaves pretty quickly.
When Laurel's birthday comes around, they realize no one has cooking skills, so Camellia attempts to make a plain cake.
Camellia: Please never make me cook again.
No promises.
I think Laurel's a little down that her mom wasn't there to make the cake, too.
Laurel: I wish for longer elder lifespans…
That's my girl.
And she grows up an an appropriately athletic tracksuit, which seals the deal for me. Hello, athlete of the family.

And I give to you the last of generation two as a teen(/young adult/adult since they all look the same). I thought the freckles looked cute on her. But it also looks like she might have more sass than both of her older sisters combined.
But the sass is short, as she quickly remembers her family's recent deaths.
Here are her specs, which I took way later because I am the worst at remembering to document things properly. I have a spreadsheet and everything and I still forget!
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