Russell: I have this crazy idea! Let's throw a party!
Camellia: I don't know how crazy that is, but I always like a good party. Go check with Myrtle.
Myrtle, as her hair impales her face: But where would we have it? I don't think our parents would let us have one here.
It really looks like Myrtle would rather stay inside and work on her computer programming…In fact, she does.
Camellia: So…Where is everyone?
Kayaan: Uhh…
Camellia: I don't think this looks like a good place for a party.
Camellia: Ugh. There isn't even any cell service here. How are we supposed to do anything or play any music? Kayaan, are you calling anyone?
Kayaan: I can't get service either! But wait right there! There's something I need to tell you!
Kayaan: Listen––do you remember Chad?
Camellia: Wait.…
Camellia: My childhood best friend. Yeah. Why?

So, I found this screenshot I had taken of someone to remember their name. After some sleuthing to find the context of this picture, I realized who it was. Chad. Chad is Kayaan.
As in THIS Kayaan.
Camellia: I can't believe I forgot who you were! You were my best friend! I've missed you so much!
Kayaan: I've been waiting for you to remember. It's been a long time. There's something else I need to tell you…
Camellia! You have a boyfriend! What about Braylen or Brayden or whatever his name is?
Camellia: Eh. We all know that wasn't serious.
I mean, that's probably true. You did end up in the closet pretty quickly…
Camellia: I do!
Laurel still spends most of her time eating quiche in varying places around the house…
And this one has now reached the highest level of her career! Not that you would know…why aren't you celebrating?
Juniper: I. Am. So. Tired. Can I retire? No, you're not even old yet. Sheesh.
Camellia: Yay! The romance festival! My favorite!
Braylen: *sulks*
Yeah, this wasn't a terrible idea AT ALL.
Myrtle: Okay, I am going to go over there. WAY over there. Very far away from all of you. Where there is no drama.
It's the romance festival. I'm guessing there's drama legitimately everywhere you look.
Myrtle: Then I will find a corner!
*Before Myrtle can run away*
Braylen: You know, you're actually not so bad yourself.
Myrtle: I blame you, Camellia.
Camellia: Whatever.
Myrtle: Okay, look how can I get you to stop following me around? This is ridiculous.
Braylen: You can go on a date with me.
Myrtle: Ew, you dated my sister.
Braylen: So? Clearly I'm not interested in you because you're similar or anything.
Myrtle: While that may be true, it's not particularly flattering considering the fact that you would date anyone with a pulse.
Giancarlo: Is this kid bothering you?
Myrtle: YES.
Giancarlo: Dude…
Braylen: She's just so pretty.
Giancarlo: Leave before I make you.
With Braylen finally on a missing for another lady somewhere else, Myrtle spends a relaxing evening chilling and drinking tea with Giancarlo and Russell…
While these two…enact a play? Outside of a bathroom?
And then do some other things that they should probably just go into a bathroom for…
Where there is an annoyed lady…There is Giancarlo.
Giancarlo: The protector of sim ladies who constantly get hit on. Or. Whatever is actually happening in this picture. I'm not entirely sure.
It looks like Myrtle and Russell are having a good enough time on their own.
And one of these gents gives her a rose. I think it was Russell. But she doesn't look entirely pleased about it.
Wanting to make the most of the night, she decides to have an intimate conversation with Giancarlo, the almost-patented sim-saving superhero.
However, apparently he's had too much cock-blocking for one night and promptly passes out.
Myrtle: It's fine. I've just…I've got some food to keep me company.
I'm sure she has another trait…I just don't remember what it was. I am the worst. But don't worry, at least I update these things every birthday, right?
Also these two just became best friends forever! And they hug spontaneously all the time! It's adorable!
Also it is our dear founder's birthday, and she doesn't look too pleased about it. But, hey, Juniper! Now you can apply for retirement! Such good news!
Laurel: She's giving me a death glare––do I still keep throwing confetti?
And there she is, folks, an elder and eager to retire! She's actually a pretty cute elder.
Salim: So, you're old now.
Juniper: Yup.
Salim: It turns out that I'm dying.
Juniper: …We should get you out of the house.
It's true; I got the popup that Salim's life is coming to an end, so I decided it was about time to send this couple on a nice date out in the arts distract. Unfortunately, Juniper couldn't stop thinking about losing her husband. Does anyone else feel like the elder life stage is way too short?
A single sim dancing alone? This could only mean one thing––birthday party!
Eventually we get a few guests dancing. What isn't pictured here is that then everyone in the house congregated right behind this yellow chair…
All in all, the party looks like it's going pretty well. All of Camellia and Myrtle's friends, the Singleton "twins," Giancarlo, Russell, and Kayaan. I thought Braylen had showed up, too, but maybe he was still feeling too bitter…
Why don't you look happy? You've wanted a birthday party for age.
Camellia: I better sparkle.
Dear God.
And queue birthday montage…
Ah, good old Sims 4, where teens and adults debatably are the very same.
Yikes…What did Giancarlo do to you, Myrtle?
Even though one is an adult, these two are still besties and it is adorable.
And now I will leave you with this image of Juniper passed out after Vladislaus broke in and drained her blood. You bet we planted garlic the next morning.

Also! It is poll time! For our generation 2 heir! Woohoo! Here is your first option, the eldest daughter, Camellia Arbor. She has completed the Social Butterfly aspiration as a child, and is currently working on the Chief of Mischief. Her traits are: Loves the outdoors, socially gifted, insane, dastardly, and her newest adult addition, self-assured. So far, she has conquered the charisma/public speaking skill (I play too much Sims 2 and forget what things are called SOS).

Our second potential heir is whiz kid Myrtle Arbor. She currently has the Computer Whiz aspiration that she's working on, but I think I switched it temporarily to something which is also brainy but does not require them to be an adult and have a career. Her traits are goofball (I still kind of don't believe this one…), mentally gifted, quick learner, and foodie.
I also went ahead and peeked at Laurel in the cheating version of create a sim to see what she would also look like as a teen/adult just for the poll. Laurel was our very first toddler, and she's decidedly a little more sporty than her sisters, but still crazy artistic. She is currently following the artistic prodigy childhood aspiration, and her traits include inquisitive and gloomy.
Please check out the poll on the right hand side of my page, and be sure to vote for heir! Thanks everyone!
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