Welcome back to the Awkward Tree Legacy! We're kicking things off with a nice teen bonfire.
And Bay trying to woo this really awkward looking and acting kid named Shelby Ramsay. Bay, I know you're a romantic, but let's not let him stick around too long.
Henry in the back: I just want love, too, you know.
Some notable things occur at this bonfire. Namely, romance. Here we have Maeve agreeing to be Aspen's girlfriend. He's jumping a little bit too high in the air for comfort, but he's been eyeing her for ages, so it's pretty cute.
Bay: He's just so dreamy in an awkward kind of way.
If you're heir, I'm making you break up with him.
Apple: I will always fail to understand why my kids like doing their homework on the floor like this.
Bay: It's good for circulation and inspiration. My desk is just too confining.
The next day, I try to get them to have a family dinner. Unfortunately, I have no idea where the boys are.
Willow: Do you think we could have something a little healthier than cake for dinner just once?
Cale: Sure, as soon as we run out of cake. We don't want to waste any.
Bay: At least they're frugal.
Cale: Psst. Hey. Babe. The girls just went to hang out at the park. You thinking what I'm thinking?
Apple: Right behind you.
These two still make time for some action. With, of course, smug facial expressions. Let's be real, they live a pretty cushy life.
Apple: Oh are we dancing? Let me join you!
Bay: Not now, mom! I'm working out!
Also, every once in a while Hamza the Butler disappears (he should definitely be dead by now, though), and is replaced by this butler whose name I will never remember. She will clearly never live up to the expectations set in stone by Hamza.
Bay: So? What do you think about Shelby?
Aspen: Uh. Well. Listen, Bay…
Willow: You think he's gross too, right?
Apple: Completely, but if I tell your sister that she'll just want to date him even more.
Despite her family's inhibitions, Bay and Shelby have a good time at the fair. And look at the way Shelby gazes at her. It almost makes you forget about how uncomfortable his profile looks.
Apple: Hi. I just wanted to remind you that I have completed my aspiration and am still cranking out books like crazy. Look how useful I am!
Starting to feel overrun by your children, aren't you?
Elm: Hey, what do you think of my artwork? I'm almost done with my aspiration.
Willow: Ugh, it's fine, just please stop touching my bellybutton. I can't wait for you to grow up.
Coincidentally, Elm is actually growing up today, which means we will have a house full of teens.
Maeve: Hi.
Aspen: Hi.
*Cricket chirps*
You guys are terrible at dating. Adorable, but terrible.
Olive and her daughter Brittney show up for the party! I was getting worried she wouldn't have kids. But thankfully she has two.
Frankly I have no idea why we still invite Cale's long lost sons to things. It's not like he or the kids interact with them. Poor guys.
The llama game is a huge hit, by the way! It's hard to pull anyone away from it…
But before long the festivities are almost over and it's time for Elm to grow up.
What is this chef outfit curse that is happening to my teens?

And here are Elm's stats! He's grown into a smart cookie.
And every party must have it's casualties, right? Maybe it's time to shut this thing down…
Ahem…I think I said that maybe it's time to shut this thing down…BAY!
Bay: Nope.
This one. She annoys me greatly.
Before long, we have our first young adult of the generation! Go Aspen! Do adult things!

And he looks exactly the same! Everyone say goodbye to Aspen, because he's off to go do fun adult party animal things––sorry, posh party animal things.
And with one less kid in the way, Apple does something she's always wanted. She buys an old house in Windenburg and turns it into a restaurant, called The Juniper Berry Cottage!
Here's the gist. It's not much, but it's a start. There's just more tables upstairs, so I won't bother showing you.
Cale! How is it that you're even cuter as an elder?
Contrary to this misleading picture, it is not already Aspen's birthday––it's our heir's!
Bay: Who are you texting?
Elm: No one.
Bay: Fine, don't tell me. I'll find out soon enough. I know it's a girl.
And true to legacy fashion, we have our 2375843759384590th birthday of the chapter, followed shortly by her twin sister's! Willow has not changed a bit.
And Bay perhaps just looks a bit derpier.
Shelby: I don't get it. I've rung the doorbell six times. Why isn't she answering? I have her schedule memorized, so I know she should be here.
First of all, creepy.
Shelby: Bay? Bay? *Sigh*
Shelby: She's not coming, is she?
I mean, you would probably be happier if she didn't…But since you asked…
Shelby: Bay, you look--Whoa…
Bay: Listen, Shelby, now that I'm an adult I need to be taking things in my life more seriously…
Bay: You were such a great first boyfriend for me--
Shelby: Wait, wait, were? Oh, I see where this is going.
Bay: I want us to still be friends.
Shelby: I need to leave. I'm so embarrassed.
So why did Bay finally break up with her awkward beau, you ask?
Because while working at her mom's restaurant, she met this adonis. His name is Kengo Hayashi and he is beautiful and I cannot even believe that my game generated him.
Naturally they hit it off so well that Bay decides to take him back to her mother's restaurant for another date.
This is when we realize that he's actually a restaurant critic…so that should be an interesting date. Or perhaps it's just Bay's way of bribing the media.
Either way, they're super cute and Bay even pretends that she's never seen the menu before for good measure.
Bay, I have some news for you.
Bay: I'm heir?
Well…yes. But thanks for stealing my thunder.
Bay: You were just waiting to make sure I would get over Shelby, weren't you?
Apparently I am predictable.
Apple: Elm, I know you were excited about being the first male heir and all--
Elm: It's okay, Mom. I'm not really into the spotlight.
It's true. Elm is rather quiet and spends most of his time reading.
Elm: Besides, Kengo is like the most attractive natural born sim I've ever seen. I can't compete with that.
Willow: There's someone I want you to meet.
Elm: I really don't--
Willow: This is Rhonda.
Elm: Wow! Hi, Rhonda. I'm Elm. It's not short for Elmer or anything. I'm named after a tree.
Rhonda: Oh. Um that's cool I guess. Hey, I've gotta run, but it was nice to meet you.
Willow: What the hell was that?
Elm: This is why I shouldn't go out in public.
Meanwhile back at home…
Cale: I think that was the best I've ever had.
Apple: I think I need a nap. Or seven.
Lucky for Elm, it's his birthday and he can finally move out so his sisters will leave him alone! Unsurprisingly, no one in his family is paying any attention to his birthday. Really, Apple? It's your youngest's birthday!
Apple: My soap is on! Leave me alone!
At least Bay walks in from work at the right time.
Elm grows into his face, more smug and attractive than ever. I was also dumb and didn't screenshot his adult traits…so we'll have to wait on that. I'm sure it's something highly fitting or hilariously ironic, though…
Until next time!
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