Okay, so this is a no. This is allllllll a no.
Yeah, you look a little bit more like the Camellia I know now.
Here are the details of potential heir #1!
Akira: I'm here for the party!
Camellia: I…don't think I'm supposed to let you in.
Akira: What? Why?
Camellia: Um…termites BYE
Camellia's first order of business is to start her own social club filled with teens (plus her sister who will be a teen soon anyways). And I think we can all tell what where Braylen's thoughts are.
Aaaaaand now I think we all know where Camellia's thoughts are.
…Or not? Camellia I hope that's not your version of flirting––but Braylen looks crazy awkward right now too.
Surprisingly, Myrtle looks like she's integrating well into her sisters friend group. She seems to be getting along rather well with Kayaan Srivastava.
Okay. I think they recovered a bit.
Braylen: Man, you have red hair too.
Camellia: Yeah. Yeah. I that's rather obvious.
Braylen: I should grab your number so we can share fashion tips about our red hair.
…I do think he needs those fashion tips, quite frankly. Pink, blue, AND lime green?
Sometimes I still forget that she rolled the insane trait. It's a little rough. And also awkward.
And then this happened AUTONOMOUSLY. I honestly didn't even know that sims could kiss autonomously before their first kiss. That's some fine chemistry, right there!
Camellia: I should try to seduce him.
Please don't do that.
Camellia: No, it's working.
Okay, that's a little bit better. Much less weird. Although, I don't know, maybe you guys shouldn't be standing next to this glasses girl. She probably feels pretty awkward around your flirting.
I figured we might as well just go ahead and get that *real* first kiss out of the way.
Ooookay, so, I mean, that escalated a little quickly. Have you guys even had a conversation yet? Like do you even know any of his traits?
Oh, I see how it is. Just hide from me when I try to get you to make good decisions. Hmph. Teens. Although I guess she's always been like this. That bathroom scene with Chad.
Myrtle, on the other hand, is finally doing better socially––and not in an inappropriate way! Yay! This is Shae's brother, although I don't remember his name. It might be Amos, so we'll just call him Amos.
These two are the cutest.
Salim: Ready to be a teen?
Myrtle: It'll be nice to be able to make real scientific experiments. The kids' lab is fine, but I'm ready to graduate to other things.
Salim: That's my girl!
Myrtle is definitely his favorite. I also don't see her goofball trait AT ALL. Like is it really there?
They spend hours together silently playing chess. And it's adorable.
Juniper, on the other hand, is sick ill with that spotty virus. Although this time she is determined that her plants won't suffer.
Myrtle: I can't believe you put me in this silly hat for my birthday.
Honestly, I didn't know. Also I don't really care and didn't bother to check any of your outfits other than casual so SORRY DON'T HATE ME.
Camellia: At least you're getting a birthday celebration at an actual party. Unlike me.
Apparently I'm never going to live this one down. Sorry, Camellia. You'll have the most banging young adult party ever, I promise.
Myrtle: I'm hot stuff.
Myrtle: Dammnnn. Look how edgy AND smart I am.
Myrtle: You can't cramp my style. I'm hip.
And potential heir #2! I let her keep the classes. Because I'm nice.

Camellia: She's pretty.
Camellia: I'm supposed to be the pretty one.
You're still pretty.
To celebrate the aging and progressing of the family, I decided it was probably time to remodel––mostly so the girls no longer have to sleep in the same sad bed even though they have 50 grand in the bank oops.
Here is the living room.
Here is the other half of the living room.
For now, this is still Myrtle's bedroom.
Myrtle: I hate you.
I know.
She gets an upgraded room in a bit, don't worry. Also, we'll get to the bassinet later. He he.
And here is Camellia's room.
Along with the other half of her room.
And two new very plain bathrooms, because who really cares?
Camellia, what are you doing?
Camellia: Plotting the world's demise with my superpowers.
Okay. Never mind.
Juniper: Ugh.
Salim: UGH.
Juniper: We do not want another baby.
I don't care, I want to play with toddlers! Don't look so dour, you're getting to have woohoo.
Juniper and Salim: Not worth.
Juniper: I am not happy about this.
Yeah, yeah.
What's up there?
Juniper: I'm pregnant. *EYE TWITCH* It's fine. It's all fine. I'll be fine.
Stop being so dramatic.
Hey there, Salim.
Salim: Don't even tell me. I don't want to hear it.
Fine, but you'll see it soon enough.
Apparently I also failed at actually talking pictures of Juniper's pregnancy, so, uh, here is their new baby! Another little girl! Meet Laurel.
Speed up a day: AND LOOK HOW CUTE SHE IS OMG I LOVE THE TODDLERS. She has the inquisitive trait.
Toddler spam, sorry, just keep on moving.
Salim's an old guy now! Still hip. Still cute.
Crying from cuteness. Don't mind me.
Oh my god this interaction is the greatest thing ever. I CAN'T EVEN.
And now poor Juniper has the stripey virus. Poor lady can't catch a break. Also a toddler that eats quiche? Where do I sign up for one?